Just to show you how CRAZY we are about our Abyssinians……… we asked out guests to contribute financially towards a LOVESHACK stud house …….
Our plan is to source a suitable silver boy from abroad and introduce new lines into the UK. I am still looking and waiting for any breeders out there who are interested in finding a home for an active silver boy…..PLEASE WHATSAPP me on +447841042186
Yes a LOVESHACK – Ive got ideas of something really grand and pimped up……Phil has ideas of something much more conservative. Due to the antisocial behaviours of unneutered males- we cannot permanently let a stud live indoors with us. It is acceptable and common to build or buy in suitable stud housing for this and to spend time thinking about how it will be created in order to home a cat and keep him happy.
There are lots of considerations to think about and so once we’ve done all our research and due diligence on this – I will update you guys. First things first – I want to get all my ducks lined up in a row before finding my magical boy …….Im massively excited even at the prospect of this. Great plans dont happen overnight though …….